
IV sedation texas

Oral and maxillofacial surgeons are highly trained and qualified to administer local anesthesia, general anesthesia, and all forms of sedation safely and appropriately. Both Dr. Maida and Dr. Moya have extensive training including 4-6 years of residency in a hospital setting learning to evaluate an individual’s needs deliver anesthesia, and monitor them throughout the procedure.

Types of Sedation

No two patients or procedures are alike, and everyone has the right to feel calm and comfortable during surgery. Talk to Dr. Maida or Dr. Moya about any dental or surgical anxieties you are experiencing, along with your preference on the level of sedation. The different types of sedation we offer include:

Local Anesthetic

Local anesthesia is administered by injection directly to the surgical site to numb the area and prevent you from feeling pain.

When it’s used

Simple, non-invasive procedures – some soft-tissue procedures and simple extractions may only require a local anesthetic, but you may request a higher level of sedation to help ease your anxiety.

Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous oxide also known as laughing gas, is administered through a breathing mask to give you a sense of calm and well-being. It is the mildest level of sedation. It allows you to stay canscious, yet relaxed.

When it’s used

Simple, non-invasive procedures – Nitrous oxide can be used along with local anesthesia to help you relax and control pain.  

The following moderate to high levels of sedation requires NPO from 11:59 PM the night prior and to have a responsible adult drive you to and from your surgery and stay at our office throughout your entire surgery.

Oral Sedatives

Oral sedatives are a moderate level of sedation used to help you relax and decrease your sensitivity to pain. You will be given a pill to take about an hour before your procedure. Any local anesthetic needed for your procedure will still be used. You’ll be conscious, but relaxed patients typically remember what happened during surgery.

 When it’s used

Either simple or move involved procedures – This level of sedation can be used based on the procedure or your level of anxiety.

I.V. Sedation

This is the highest level of sedation, often referred to as twilight sedation, is administered in our office through an I.V. It quickly becomes effective in decreasing awareness of your procedure. You will still be conscious, but comfortable and calm- so deeply relaxed that you might drift in and out of sleep during the procedure. In fact, you’ll probably have no memory of your procedure after the sedation wears off.

When it’s used

Can be used for most procedures – But it’s particularly useful for high levels of anxiety and lengthy or more involved procedures.

In-Office General Anesthesia

Medication is administered through an I.V. It eliminates pain and anxiety. You will be asleep and unaware of the procedure. Throughout the procedure, you will breathe in oxygen (on your own) and your vital signs will be monitored. The effects last longer than the I.V.  sedation.

When it’s used

Procedures that require a higher level than local anesthesia – this includes procedures such as dental implants or wisdom teeth extractions. It’s effective for patients who don’t need complete muscle relaxation and are not at risk of needing ventilators.

Hospital General Anesthesia

You will be admitted to a hospital and general anesthesia will be administered by an anesthesiologist.

When it’s used

Face and jaw reconstruction or other major procedures – Patients with certain medical conditions, including heart or lung diseases may require it.

What to Expect

Fast: If you’re receiving I.V. sedation or general anesthesia, don’t eat or drink anything eight hours before your procedure.

Bring a responsible adult: If you receive oral sedation, I.V. sedation or general anesthesia, you will need a responsible adult to transport you to and from your appointment.

Comfort and care: Dr. Maida and Dr. Moya will walk you through the details and instructions of your pre-surgery preparation and post-operative aftercare.

If you have any concerns or questions, please call us. We will address your concerns to ensure you have the best experience possible.

Experience Exceptional Service & Quality Oral Surgery Care.

Contact us with any questions or to schedule an appointment.

Call us: 713-457-6337